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VSA Interest Groups (IGs) are open to anyone who is interested in the work of VSA and the international development sector.  They provide a way for like-minded individuals, supporters, returned volunteers, members and anyone with an interest in international development to connect and engage at a local level, or around a specific interest, to support VSA’s work.  You don’t have to be a financial member of VSA to get involved in an IG, although we do encourage people to become members.

We currently have three IGs – based in Canterbury, Manawatū and at the Top of The South Island.  These are informal groups led by Co-Convenors who organise get-togethers, events and talks, and make decisions about how the groups run.  They are also a contact for participants and anyone interested who wants to come to a meeting.  Some groups also organise fundraising activities, using the money raised to support VSA volunteers who are already on assignment and support VSA’s work across the Pacific.


Meetings Held:
NMIT Campus


Jane Kinsey
[email protected]

NMIT - Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology - Nelson

NMIT - Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology - Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand

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