Stop provides whānau-centred support and therapy to Adults, Adolescents and Children who have engaged in, or are demonstrating, concerning or harmful sexual behaviour.
Our success comes from the belief that by addressing past experiences and present behaviour, through highly personalised support, all people can lead good lives. Using Te Tiriti o Waitangi as our foundation, we work to ensure all clients and their family receive culturally appropriate support that recognises their unique values, beliefs and needs.
Our approach is family and culturally focused to ensure we respect and support our clients in their journey. We know that when there is a good support system our clients do well.
Through one-to-one and group work, which includes parent/caregiver and family support, Stop has helped thousands of adults, adolescents, children and their families heal and thrive. If you, or your family member complete a programme with Stop, your likelihood of not engaging in concerning or harmful sexual behaviour again is between 94-98% depending on the age you entered the programme and the support from friends, partners, family and the community.
When you or your family work with Stop, we provide a full wrap-around service, providing therapy and helping clients through our social work service to support them in their community. That could be to find work, build a good network of people around them or catch the bus to school.
We know from our research that our programmes have contributed significantly to our clients and the community. We also know that the earlier we can provide support the more successful our clients are.
Please visit our Website for service specific information, tools to help and referral pathways to our service.
Nelson 7010