Come along and meet new friends, have fun and enjoy a morning tea
Meetings held second and last Wednesdays each month – 10am to 12noon at Hills Community Church, 122 Aranui Road, Mapua include:
- a social get together
- activities and games
- sharing interests and stories
- quizzes
- guest speakers
- outings
- sing songs
- morning tea
- shared lunches
No cost involved, however a small donation is always appreciated
Our Elder Care Team may also be able to help support members of our community at times of need with:
- meals
- shopping
- transport
Mapua Elder Care Support is overseen by Hills Community Church, with funding from the Anglican Care Charitable Trust
Hills Community Church
122 Aranui Road
MAPUA 7048
122 Aranui Road
MAPUA 7048
(03) 543 2018Other Phone
(027) 440 4022Open Hours
Second and last Wednesday each month - 10am to 12noonArray
Hills Community Church Aranui Road
Hills Community Church Aranui Road, Māpua, New Zealand
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