Athletics Richmond encourages athletes aged five to fifteen to enjoy athletics. It is about the athletes.
Our Aim – To support all athletes in the development of fundamental athletics skills and to give them the opportunity to use them by:
- Teaching the fundamental skills through the Athletics NZ Run, Jump, Throw programme,
- Developing parents’ athletic coaching and officiating skills by providing training and support,
- Providing a programme that ensures that all athletes have the opportunity to participate at the level they choose,
- Providing encouragement and support for athletes to compete in inter-club, South Island and national competitions.
Philosophy – We support fair play and expect athletes and adults to display positive support for each other.
Our Expectations for Parents/Caregivers – This club exists to enhance and improve the skills of athletes and we require all parents and other adults to assist on club nights and interclub events.
Parental involvement is essential for athletic events to run smoothly.
Athletes must be supervised by a parent/caregiver during all club meets.
The club uniform is compulsory for interclub events.
Athletics Richmond is fun, healthy, sociable and an excellent opportunity for all athletes.
Saxton Road
STOKE 7011
Open Hours
Tuesday - 5.15pm to 7pmSaxton Field Sports Complex Saxton Road
Saxton Field Sports Complex Saxton Road, Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand
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